Backup & Restore Device Drivers Free Driver Backup offers a solution for device drivers’ backup and restoration in Windows. It identifies all the hardware in the system, extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up to a secure location. Then, you can prevent any prob...
Win Driver Backup helps backup all kinds of system drivers and restore them for safekeeping, eliminating the problem of searching driver CDs.
Backup & Restore PC Driver Easily create a backup copy of all system drivers and restore them to safeguard your device-related drivers from loss or corruption and save time getting your PC fixed. Reinstalling Windows Hassle-free Backing up the installed device drivers makes reinstalling windows hass...
Now you have an easy solution to avoid all those problems: Drivers Backup. Simply create a backup of all the drivers installed on your computer, or select only the ones you want to keep – with the click of a button you’ll have them safely stored and ready to restore when needed. Her...
Free Driver Backup是一个小巧免费的驱动备份还原软件,有了它,安装系统驱动就会化烦为简,遇到的问题也会少很多。比如重装系统后没有网卡驱动,导致不能够上网下载安装驱动精灵、驱动大师一类的软件,这时还原备份的网卡驱动即可。 Free Driver Backup使用方法
Free Driver Backup, free and safe download. Free Driver Backup latest version: Backup & restore device drivers in case of computer crashes, reinstalla
Free Driver Backup使用方法 1、勾选需要备份的驱动。 2、点击backup按钮。 3、打开备份驱动的文件夹,把驱动复制到非C盘即可。因为默认情况下驱动竟然是备份到C盘,不清楚作者为什么这么设计。 备份后的驱动一般都比较的精简,体积也比官方的小很多,相信这样的驱动能让电脑运行的更快,毕竟轻装上阵。
Free Driver Backup官方版是一款专业的驱动备份还原工具,有了它,安装系统驱动就会化烦为简,遇到的问题也会少很多。比如重装系统后没有网卡驱动,导致不能够上网下载安装驱动精灵、驱动大师一类的软件,这时还原备份的网卡驱动即可。 软件功能 1、支持只备份windows不自带的驱动/所有驱动。 2、可以只备份某些硬件的驱...
驱动备份还原工具是一款免费的电脑系统驱动程序,英文名为Free Driver Backup,旨在帮助用户备份和恢复计算机上的驱动程序,它提供了简单易用的界面和功能,以防止意外的驱动程序丢失或损坏。该软件具有强大的驱动程序备份功能,它能够扫描计算机系统,识别并备份所有已安装的驱动程序,用户可以选择备份所有驱动程序,或只备份特定的...
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