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2000] SAPRE, A. G. ; A., Bedekar ; DESHPANDE, A. V. ; LALI, A. M.: Analysis of micromolar concentrations of glucose by an interference free flow injection based biosensor. Biotechnology Letters 22 (2000), S. 569-573Sapre AG,Bedekar A,Deshpande AV,et al.Analysis of micromolar ...
A cantilever beam length 2m,cross section 60mmX40mm , material density 2800kg/m3. E= 78GPa. when im calculating analytically its free vibration due to its own weight , I am getting 8.52 Hz . But In SAP 2000 is giving me 594.18 Hz... where is my mistake??? please help me... Rep...
89: Laser materials processing conference, 19th international congress on applications of lasers & electro-optics(ICALEO 2000), October 2-5, 2000, Dearborn, MI, USAP.Koomsap,V.V.Prabhu,J.T.Schriempf,and E.W.Reutzel.Simulation-Based Design of Laser-Based Free Forming Process Control. ICALEO ...
A method for stimulating prosaposin receptor activity in a cell by transfecting the cell with a DNA or RNA molecule encoding prosaposin or a prosaposin receptor agonist. The DNA or RNA molecule is administered either in vivo or used to transfect neural cells or neural stem cells ex vivo...
2000Yang Dian - q ing. Integrated m ethod for p ro tecting logs and green lumber from sap stain and mo ld: U. S. Patent 6083537 [ P ]. 2000 - 07 - 04.Yang D ian - qing. Integrated method for p rotecting logs and green lumber from sap stain and mold: U. S. Patent ...
They are useful in the treatment of central and peripheral nervous system disorders and neuropathic pain.doi:US20020128193 A1John S. OBrienDavid E. WrightSusan L. OBrienWO