You can download CmapTools for Windows 11, 10, 8 and 7 (32 / 64-bit) from Anturis. CmapTools is a Java based software to create concept maps.
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There's a new ABI tag, so the new nightly wheels can live alongside the old ones on We just need to wait for a new pip release that can recognize and install the new ABI tag and for the the actual wheels to be produced. I...
(security, linux, windows, mac) httpie - (Repo, Home, PyPI) Command-line HTTP client with JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, and more. (dev, linux, windows, mac) Isso - (Repo, Home) Lightweight commenting server, designed as a drop-in replacement for ...
cat /var/apache2/ cat /var/lib/mysql/mysql/user.MYD cat /root/anaconda-ks.cfg 不安全的文件/文件夹权限配置 cat ~/.bash_history cat ~/.nano_history cat ~/.atftp_history cat ~/.mysql_history cat ~/.php_history 找存储的明文用户名,密码 grep -i user [filename] grep -i...
cat /root/anaconda-ks.cfg/etc/sysconfig/iptables //iptables规则6.查看任务计划 crontab -l //查看任务计划,有部分恶意任务计划需要crontab -e 编辑才能看到查看anacron异步定时任务:cat/etc/anacrontabcat /var/log/cron 查看任务计划日志cat /etc/crontabcat /etc/cron.d/cat /etc/cron.daily/cat /etc/... analisi...
I’ve got a Anaconda Python environment installed with Matplotlib, Numpy, Scipy, and Cython. I tried to get BEMPP up but for some reason their Oracle VMBox appliance is not working on my Windows system. If you know of a package that would be handy for Anaconda environment, I’d be ...
(security, linux, windows, mac) httpie - (Repo, Home, PyPI) Command-line HTTP client with JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, and more. (dev, linux, windows, mac) Isso - (Repo, Home) Lightweight commenting server, designed as a drop-in replacement for ...
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