Free inodesisless than20%onvolume / 二、问题原因 其实是服务器上的文件数过多。 三、解决办法 查找每个目录下面的文件数for i in /*; do echo $i; find $i |wc-l ;done 然后看看哪个目录下面的文件比较多,然后删除一些没有作用的文件。 查看磁盘总的 inodes 数。 使用命令:df -i 四、扩展 什么是...
所以当inode用完也会出现No space left on device, 造成磁盘的不可写入. 二:问题出现场景 今天zabbix报警,一台服务器的disk满了,使用du -sh * 或 du -sh /* 查看目录的大小,查找占用空间大的目录/var/spool/clientmqueue…. 然后我就想/var/spool/clientmqueue这个目录干嘛用的,纠结了半天,谷歌了下,原来/v...
One such alert is this free disk space less alert. The trigger gives this alert when the disk space is less than 20% on the volume. Here, the Zabbix allows customization on the threshold at which the system triggers the alert. Moreover, based on the purpose of the server, we see some...
所以当inode用完也会出现No space left on device, 造成磁盘的不可写入. 二:问题出现场景 今天zabbix报警,一台服务器的disk满了,使用du -sh * 或 du -sh /* 查看目录的大小,查找占用空间大的目录/var/spool/clientmqueue…. 然后我就想/var/spool/clientmqueue这个目录干嘛用的,纠结了半天,谷歌了下,原来/v...
henry75as per my other reply, there is an exampleRe: an alarm when vm has not been on for 30 minutes continuously. - Microsoft Community Hubin the [Queries] list. You can use this as the basis of your query. // Logical disk space % below threshold: ...
for i in /*; do echo $i; find $i |wc -l; done 结果输出为 image.png #!/bin/bash cd /var/spool/clientmqueue filelist=`ls /var/spool/clientmqueue/` for file in $filelist do echo $file sudo chown ec2-user:ec2-user $file
Re: Free disk space on volume D: is less than required by database Well, this is related to the database you are using (SQL / Oracle / ...) not to the EVA. Check space requirements or move the question to the appropiate software forum. 0 Kudos Reply The...
These companies are constantly changing, due to the obvious challenges in their business models, but one that’s stuck around for a while is InfinityFree. They will host your blog for free, give you a subdomain to use, and they also promise unlimited disk space and bandwidth. Though a coup...
Can someone please explain why the free disk space available is not a consistent number when I use different methods to check how much free space I have on my 1TB internal storage? I have attached a screen shot of all the different sources showing disk space usage. If I add up the GB ...
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