Define dialogism. dialogism synonyms, dialogism pronunciation, dialogism translation, English dictionary definition of dialogism. n 1. logic a deduction with one premise and a disjunctive conclusion 2. rhetoric a discussion in an imaginary dialogue or di
The gold standard FT4 method is equilibrium dialysis, available in most reference laboratories. Like total T4, FT4 in hypothyroid infants should be maintained in the upper half of the normal range for the assay method employed. In the neonatal period (2-6 weeks), serum T4, FT4, and TSH ...
ADEquacy of Peritoneal Dialysis in Mexico Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization Index Adequacy Principle Adequacy Principle Adequacy, Capital adequal cleavage ADEQUAT adequate adequate adequate adequate Adequate and independent state ground adequate attached gingiva adequate ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Medical Financial Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia </>embed</> cudgel cosh stick club staff Mace noun Synonyms for Mace Collins WordNet nounstaff ...
The Australian and New Zealand dialysis workforce Small populations of the short-haired bumblebee were established on the South Island of New Zealand after being transported there on the first refrigerated lamb boats in the late 19th Century to pollinate crops of red clover. Bee lovers buzzing abou...
We describe the successful management of a patient who developed pleural effusions after starting continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), by altering the PD prescription to daytime ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (DAPD) transiently before resuming CAPD 4 months later. Resolution of pleura-peritoneal...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook AcronymDefinition AVFSA Virtual File System AVFSAnti-Virus File System(security) AVFSAd Valorem Financial Services(various locations) AVFSAfrica Village Financial Services(microfinance; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook dysplasia (redirected fromRenal dysplasia) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical [di′splā·zhə] (pathology) Abnormal development or growth, especially of cells. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Goodpasture's syndrome Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Wikipedia Related to Goodpasture's syndrome:Wegener's granulomatosis [′gu̇d‚pas·chərz ‚sin‚drōm] ...
dialysis -diamond -diamonds -diaper -dick -dictaphone -dictator -did -die -died -diego -dies -diesel -diet -differ -difference -differences -different -differently -difficult -difficulties -difficulty -dig -digest -digital -dignity -digs -dilemma -dillon -diluted -diminished -dingell -dinkins -...