Make free greeting cards with Creatacard™, our online card maker. Browse 100s of card templates, personalize in minutes, then print at home or send online.
greeting card (redirected fromFree greeting cards) Thesaurus n. A folded, decorated card bearing a message of greeting, congratulation, or other sentiment, usually sent or given on a special occasion or holiday. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright ©...
While there may be billions of cards printed every year, there is often very little in the way of choice – especially for certain recipients. For example, while it may be fairly simple to find a greeting card for a teenage boy, it is rare to find a card for a male over the age of...
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Greeting Cards App, the number #1 way to send greetings instantly on any Apple iOS device since 2012. Available for iPhone, iPad and iPad Mini. Free to download.
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The web's largest collection of free greeting cards including free birthday ecards, animated e-cards, and free holiday ecards. Personalize your free greeting cards and free ecards. Use our FREE on-line e-card site-builder system.
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