Drag and drop page builder library written in vanilla javascript without dependencies or build tools. nodejsjavascripteditorbootstrapopen-sourcebuilderuidrag-and-dropscssvanilla-javascriptwysiwygwebsite-builderfreewebsite-generationpage-buildersite-generatorlow-codeno-codenocodebootstrap5 ...
Get your field data faster, richer and error-free. doForms data collection app is smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop-friendly..
A couple years ago, it got live submission sync to Excel so you don't have to wait to analyze the data in the spreadsheet. Last year, it added more powerful sharing tools in the form of QR codes and Teams and Outlook sharing—in addition to a niche tool that converts Word and PDF ...
Data Points : Cool (and Free) Tools for Entity Framework Julie Lerman | August 2014 Now that Entity Framework is open source, the development community is able to contribute code to it at entityframework.codeplex.com. But don’t limit yourself to looking there for tools and extensions. There...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations --- Select a language: Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this...
best for real-time data visualization: Domo Best for a wide range of data visualization tools: Microsoft Excel Best for web-based data visualization: Google Charts Data visualization tools have become essential in translating complex data into actionable insights. With the right tool, businesses and...
Using the Dev Tools Console Kibana’s developer console provides an easy way to experiment and test requests. To access the console, open Kibana, then go toManagement>Dev Tools. Add data You index data into Elasticsearch by sending JSON objects (documents) through the REST APIs. Whether you ...
ADRC Data Recovery Tools.© Adroit Data Recovery Centre Pte Ltd What We Like Extremely small file size. Works from any portable location (doesn't need to be installed). Really simple user interface that's easy to grasp. What We Don't Like ...
AI-powered survey tools for customer & employee insights with advanced analysis. 20,000+ global brands trust Qualtrics. Join them!
AI-powered survey tools for customer & employee insights with advanced analysis. 20,000+ global brands trust Qualtrics. Join them!