Your Free Daily eDevotional Would you like to have instant access to FRESH? It’s a short daily Devotional to help you get deeper into God’s Word and closer to Jesus. Each devotion has a powerful Scripture verse, together with some words of inspiration, hope and encouragement for you. ... offers daily devotions straight to your inbox, 365 days a year, for free! For over 15 years we've been running a devotional blog, empowering a team of 30 authors to write biblical devotions that challenge men and women to follow Jesus intimat
This website is verydifferent fromany church orreligionyou have been exposed to. Even so, don't think of it as a new church... This is to grant something in you and for you. This is your personalintroductionto Jesus Christ; an explanation of what knowing him evenmeans!This revealsGod'...
This website is verydifferent fromany church orreligionyou have been exposed to. Even so, don't think of it as a new church... This is to grant something in you and for you. This is your personalintroductionto Jesus Christ; an explanation of what knowing him evenmeans!This revealsGod'...
Bible Study for Kids FREE! Inspirational Verse of the Day App With Daily Devotionals & Inspirations! 4+ Michael Quach Designed for iPad Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Best Bible App for Kids FREE! Get inspired by God’s words! “Believe on the Lord Jesus ...
So scoffed apowerful Roman ruler some 2000 years ago. Pilate's sarcastic questionwas a response to the words of a man on trial before him. That man had said: "For this I have been born and for this I have come into the world,that I should bearwitness to truth." ...
This website is verydifferent fromany church orreligionyou have been exposed to. Even so, don't think of it as a new church... This is to grant something in you and for you. This is your personalintroductionto Jesus Christ; an explanation of what knowing him evenmeans!This revealsGod'...
Bible Study for Kids FREE! Inspirational Verse of the Day App With Daily Devotionals & Inspirations! 4+ Michael Quach Designed for iPad 1.0 • 1 Rating Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Best Bible App for Kids FREE! Get inspired by God’s words! “Believe ...
This website is verydifferent fromany church orreligionyou have been exposed to. Even so, don't think of it as a new church... This is to grant something in you and for you. This is your personalintroductionto Jesus Christ; an explanation of what knowing him evenmeans!This revealsGod'...
Pilate's sarcastic question was a response to the words of a man on trial before him. That man had said: "For this I have been born and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to truth." (John 18:37‑38) The man who spoke those words was, of course...