#1 FREE DAILY BIBLE APP for all devices. A FREE DEVOTIONAL APP with videos, songs, & much more. A real church without walls from the palm of your hand
Join 100,000+ on the daily pursuit of wisdom.* Most Recent Devotionals Proceed With Caution “There is no room for fear, but there is space for an abundance of caution.” Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – December 21, 2024 One who is wise is cautious and turns away from ...
Bible Cases Calendars Bags & Envelopes Boys and Girls Choice Gleanings Christians Daily Daily Gospel of Peace Joyful News Joyful News (Personalized) Lord Is Near Tract & Tip Wallet/Pocket Wallet/Pocket (Personalized) Weekly Planner Young Christians Customizable Free Free Daily Devotionals Christians Dai...
So scoffed apowerful Roman ruler some 2000 years ago. Pilate's sarcastic questionwas a response to the words of a man on trial before him. That man had said: "For this I have been born and for this I have come into the world,that I should bearwitness to truth." ...
So scoffed apowerful Roman ruler some 2000 years ago. Pilate's sarcastic questionwas a response to the words of a man on trial before him. That man had said: "For this I have been born and for this I have come into the world,that I should bearwitness to truth." ...
So scoffed apowerful Roman ruler some 2000 years ago. Pilate's sarcastic questionwas a response to the words of a man on trial before him. That man had said: "For this I have been born and for this I have come into the world,that I should bearwitness to truth." ...
On your own as a personal devotional. As a family, discuss the daily bible verses and watch the movie that applies to that verse. With friends, read the verses in an evening of fellowship, and use the questions and activities to foster discussion and accountability. A great devotional to sh...
Free Daily Bible Study is written to avoid complicated, jargon-filled writing that only a seminary graduate can understand. Each day’s meditation is clear, concise, and edifying rather than tedious. On the other hand, the Free Daily Bible Study devotionals are not shallow. Each day’s medita...
Understanding Bible by Subject Creation Explained Prepared Place What's This Does Faith Help Unforgivable Sin Why Wickedness End of Religion I had a dream Faith less Judgment Do U Know Christ R U Protestant? A New Hope Christ's Obstacle What is our future The "Sacred Secret" Sincerity? Bible...
Understanding Bible by Subject Creation Explained Prepared Place What's This Does Faith Help Unforgivable Sin Why Wickedness End of Religion I had a dream Faith less Judgment Do U Know Christ R U Protestant? A New Hope Christ's Obstacle What is our future The "Sacred Secret" Sincerity? Bible...