Earlier this week,The New Yorkerreleased a co-op mode for its popular online crossword puzzle. This new mode lets you solve puzzles along with your friends, and it’s quite addictive. I’ve already spent hours on this with friends, and I’m ready to give more of my time to this addi...
• Science: AP | BBC | Earth & Sky | NASA | NBCNews | NewScientist.com | Yahoo | Space.com • Technology: ABC | CNET | CNN | InfoWorld | PC Magazine | PC World | USA Today | Yahoo | ZDNet • Misc: Yahoo Answers | Born on Today | Crossword | Daily Motivator | EPIC |...
• Science: AP | BBC | Earth & Sky | NASA | NBCNews | NewScientist.com | Yahoo | Space.com • Technology: ABC | CNET | CNN | InfoWorld | PC Magazine | PC World | USA Today | Yahoo | ZDNet • Misc: Yahoo Answers | Born on Today | Crossword | Daily Motivator | EPIC |...