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1. Free course on optimizing profits by finding the "Perfect Price" for your product. It is a high content filled five part course that arrives by E-mail and can even be downloaded to a floppy and taken to another computer to be read while doing something else!
Course•Beginner Dan Scott 21:50 The principles of design Course•Beginner Laura Keung 03:17:02 Adobe Illustrator for Beginners Course•Beginner Daniel Walter Scott 08:13:29 After Effects for Beginners Course•Beginner David Bode 02:23:48 ...
If you are in the field of computer science and are interested in learning the insides of Artificial Intelligence then this is the course for you. It will help you take the first step toward the concepts and algorithms that form the basis of artificial intelligence. ...
Customer Services Course (Oxford Home Study Centre). Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand and Behaviour (Coursera). SEE: Best Technology Jobs in the U.S. Group Communication, Teamwork, and Leadership (Alison) Alison offers a free online certification course that covers three ...
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If you are a beginner, then you can contribute by improving the structure of the repository. Design the website for this repository with the content. Add more free courses to the list below and in the main.js course_details list that are not present. ...
Certified Trainer Course(21 hours) Google Ads Apps Certification(3 hours) AI-Powered Shopping ads Certification(1 hour) Cyber security certifications Cyber security is one of the fastest-growing fields in the U.S. Demand for jobs in itrose by 43%in the past year. ...
Coursera 2 hours 43 minutes On-Demand Paid Course Succeed in the workplace 38 ratings at OpenLearn Do you want to change jobs, are you just starting in the job market or may be returning after a break? If so, then this free course, Succeed in the workplace, is for you. It will ...