To prepare a quote for the on-demand training, we just need to know a) how many participants would be attending, and b) what you would like the duration of the course to be. For example, we tend to give 6-hour online courses spread over three days (two hours per day). However, ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook acrophobia Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia ac·ro·pho·bi·a (ăk′rə-fō′bē-ə) n. An abnormal fear of high places. ac′ro·phobe′n. ac′ro·pho′bic(-fō′bĭk)adj.& n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
My America: Immigrant and Refugee Writers Today American Writers Museum is bringing this exhibit to viewers online. Viewers can hear personal stories about topics such as identity, community, language, storytelling and what it means to be an American from contemporary authors.Explore the exhibit. ...
Although colleges have worthy intentions to assist and guide people in a developmental learning process about diverse issues, the trainings, as the article suggests, often backfire because of a confrontational approach that hopes to build an empathic response. Multicultural competence: diversity training ...
Services include prenatal, postpartum and birth care with infant massage, nutritional counseling, homebirth education classes, waterbirth, ultrasound, lab work and midwifery care.Candace McCollett, CBE, CLD Candace [at] Childbirth Educator, Birth Doula, Midwife Assistant ...
There is strong evidence that workplace cessation interventions such as group counseling, are effective in helping people to stop smoking [8]. In addition, especially among disadvantaged populations, accessibility, proximity and financial compensation are important aspects in the uptake of cessation ...
“We talk about this because a lot of triggers and lot of traumas are associated with families,” he said. “So we dig that up. All throughout this, the men are going to counseling and they have mentors who are speaking to them about all the life struggles they ha...
example, authorization for the HCP to use CPC codes that provide a greater amount of compensation for patient education and counseling visits. In accordance with another embodiment of the present invention, more interaction between the HCP20and the patient14is supported by the platform40. For ...
helping patients and families cope with the impact of cancer and related diseases through professional counseling, consultation, and connection with supportive resources. Katelyn is embedded in the Young Adult Program, providing direct patient care and program development for young adults ages 18-39 with...
The options included: (1) ”I do not know how to treat tobacco use with medications”, (2) ”I do not know how to treat tobacco use with counseling”, (3) ”I do not know where to refer tobacco users for cessation assistance”, (4) ”I do not know how to best motivate tobacco...