Gun-Free Campuses Are Safety-Free Zones; Colleges Should Permit Concealed Carry
When Emily finds a timeworn photograph buried in a drawer, she realizes her grandmother has concealed a secret even bigger than her own. Massachusetts, 1916 Atta Schaeffer plans to marry the man of her dreams and whisk her little sister away from their abusive father. But when she is ...
s tied with one or more other states for the coveted top spot. Granite Staters never need a permit to carry any firearm concealed or openly, and courts are the only places where guns aren’t allowed. The state government doesn’t restrict any magazines, ammunition, or accessories, and ...
books. As a “doer”, the inability to actively participate in the educational process leads to disinterest, shorter attention spans and behavioral problems. Compound that fact with witnessing discourse within his family unit; something which had been concealed from his vision throughout his childhood...
For example, the smell of smoke would elicit fear that a fire is nearby and you need to move away or flee the area, while the smell of rotting garbage or moldy drywall will cause a disgusting emotion as the person inhales these VOCs. The reason is studies have shown that each class of...
Rich Fordon presents a take on one of Rolex’s lesser-known icons, the Zephyr, and Sean Egan brings a Benrus Type I Class A to the table – never a bad idea. They made clever use of the stipulation that a manufacturer could enter a race car as long as a specific number of road ...
“was all within the rules” –rules which they had themselves made. The members of the political class appeared mystified by the public’s anger at their indignant defence of behaviour which ordinary voters knew would, if perpetrated in their own lives, get them sacked and possibly prosecuted....
Near the trailhead en route to The Wave. They can always find me from the air with that shirt! We had a nine AM start from the parking lot that served the North Coyote Buttes. The May air was still brisk, but the sun was already hot. The directions were good, and we had little ...
(generated in Excel) assigned to each of them. The random allocation was performed by an independent third party not involved in the study, and the allocation sequence was concealed before and until assignment to prevent selection bias. The allocation was blinded to the participants, investigators,...
in particular; how the Dems and GOP are in lock-step when it comes to militarism and corporate control, as well as on rigging the political system to exclude third-party candidates and ideas; how current policies are slowly clawing back the hard-won middle-class gains of the last century....