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Shipyard— Low-code data orchestration platform for the cloud. Build with a mix of low-code templates and your code (Python, Node.js, Bash, SQL). Our free developer plan offers 10 hours of runtime every month for one user - more than enough to automate multiple workflows. shrtcode API ...
Cloud App Maker, Microsoft Microsoft low-code Cloud App Maker Certification: Register and complete the learning path within the start and end date to get a Free voucher to take the Microsoft Associate level certification Link 2023 EF SET 15-minute English quiz to validate reading skills (English ...
Codeacademy is an all-in-one online course platform and training solution that provides learners with easy access to web development services and computer science courses, as well as coding language courses like Python, HTML, Javascript, SQL, C++, and many others. They also have a pool of res...
1.Code Academy Price: Free Code Academy offers free online courses that cover the basics of HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, CMD Line, and SQL. Most of their classes take less than 11 hours and include quizzes that help you test out your knowledge as you go. ...
FreeCodeCamp’s SQL Tutorial. This 4-hour YouTube tutorial for beginners covers database management basics and SQL using MySQL and RDBMS. As a bonus, the tutorial uses characters from The Office to learn concepts, helping to keep you engaged AND entertained. 2. Walk through an Online SQL Tu...
What jobs demand you learn DevOps? Why take DevOps courses from Great Learning Academy? Are these courses updated with the latest DevOps practices and tools? Who should take these Free DevOps courses? Is there any cost associated with the courses or the certificate?
GitLab, much like GitHub, offers developers a place to centralize and manage their code. To help developers use their platform, the GitLab team offers a range of free online courses through their LevelUp learning platform. GitLab Universityhosts around 90 free online courses. These include “mi...
Khan Academy: Hour of Code Khan Academy’s interactive videos, challenges, and projects make it easy to dive into STEM teaching and learning coding. The clean, easy-to-navigate interface provides step-by-step guidance and resources for coding drawings, webpages, databases, and more. Create a ...
SQL Intro to SQL Kaggle Python Intro to Python (For Beginners) Harvard C++ C++ Tutorial for Beginners freeCodeCamp Rust The Rust Programming Language Rust Team JAX JAX Quickstart Google Linear Algebra Linear Algebra Curriculum Khan Academy Calculus Essence of Calculus 3Blue1Brown Deep Learning Deep ...