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with 4% misclassification (154/3835) (Supplementary Fig.5C). Together, these resulted in an overall accuracy of 0.86 for CNA prediction (Table1). When considering only regions with CNA change, a 0.975 accuracy was achieved (Supplementary Fig.5D). We then extended...
In many areas of oncology, we lack sensitive tools to track low-burden disease. Although cell-free DNA (cfDNA) shows promise in detecting cancer mutations, we found that the combination of low tumor fraction (TF) and limited number of DNA fragments restr
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A total lipid extract can be fractionated in its classes using solvents, based on differences of solubility in solvents of different polarities; or (more easily) by a suite of chromatographic techniques based mainly in the same principles. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) has long been used for ...
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Figure 5.10 The depth of a classification NLP task increases as the number of classes grows, while its width remains the same. Seohmtign faov re qxkv jn mnjq jz crqr lj heg vpce s miildte bmreun vl xapelems tlk s alcss nj thkp iigrtnan data, rj ffwj hx icatoepldmc etl kbr...
Figure 5.10 The depth of a classification NLP task increases as the number of classes grows, while its width remains the same. Seohmtign faov re qxkv jn mnjq jz crqr lj heg vpce s miildte bmreun vl xapelems tlk s alcss nj thkp iigrtnan data, rj ffwj hx icatoepldmc etl kbr...
To evaluate the adsorption capacities, various classes of oils and organic liquids were investigated. As shown in Fig. 6b, the disk can absorb the liquids in amounts up to 6.8–23 times its weight for a variety of organic solvents and oil. Specifically, the uptake capacities of pump oil...