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it art too. One made a trilogy of parodies that stands atop its individual genres (zombie, cop, sci-fi movies). The others made subversive songs like “Music That You Can Dance To” that manage to match (and often overtake) the very bops they razz. Their powers combined,The Sparks Brot...
滑稽 huájī /comical/funny/amusing/also pr. [gu3 ji1]/ 2-Wizard2 餐厅 cāntīng /dining hall/dining room/restaurant/CL:間|间[jian1],家[jia1]/ 2-Wizard2 悲伤 bēishāng /sad/sorrowful/ 2-Wizard2 拥抱 yōngbào /to embrace/to hug/ 2-Wizard2 加班 jiābān /to work overtime/ 2-Wi...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: extraño strange [streɪndʒ]ADJ(stranger (compar) (strangest (superl))) 1.(=odd) [person, event, behaviour, feeling] →extraño,raro;...
One afternoon in the week before Christmas, I came upon Lena and her funny, square-headed little brother Chris, standing before the drugstore, gazing in at the wax dolls and blocks and Noah's Arks arranged in the frosty show window. View in context Bare-headed as we were, we ran out ...
fujitsu -fulfill -full -full-time -fully -full-year -fulton -fun -function -functions -fund -fundamental -fundamentally -fundamentals -funded -funding -fund-raising -funds -funny -fur -furniture -furor -furriers -furs -further -furthermore -furukawa -fusion -future -futures -futures-related -...
It’s funny how we run for the things on the horizon, the storms that chase us with fierce wind and darkness as we gaze other days, all the quiet glow of the setting sun. And we wonder, will we see another day of storm and sun?
A clip of one of President Donald Trump’s federal judicial nominees struggling to answer rudimentary questions about the law garnered well more than 1 million views in a matter of hours on Thursday night and stoked speculation that another of the president’s nominations might get derailed. Sen...
My first impressions of the game were that it was outright funny. Comedy is not a new addition to the series, but instead of over the top, gross out gore or the juxtaposition of straight faced B-movie horror with the protagonist's silly costumes during cutscenes, Dead Rising 4 goes straig...