Atlanta, GA, August 12, 2020:The GAPI (Georgia Physicians of Indian Heritage) Free Clinic will reopen effective August 15. This clinic will function every 1stand 3rdSaturday 1:00 – 4:00 PM. “There will be no direct patient contact due to COVID-19. We will provide Telemedicine services ...
CRCCentral Remedial Clinic(Ireland) CRCCivil Rights Congress CRCCleveland Research Company(Cleveland, OH) CRCChild-Resistant Container(product feature) CRCCrescent Resources Corp.(Canada) CRCCardiovascular Research Center CRCCzech Red Cross CRCCentre de Recherche de Climatologie(French: Climatology Research ...
EFGAEpilepsy Foundation of Georgia(Atlanta, GA) EFGAElectronic Frontiers Georgia(est. 1995) EFGAEaston Fish and Game Association(Pennsylvania) EFGAElim Foursquare Gospel Alliance(Pentecostal movement; UK) EFGAEthiopian Family Guidance Association(family planning clinic) ...
The program kicks off in Orlando, Fla. on Aug. 28, and will visit Los Angeles, San Diego, and Riverside, Calif., as well as Atlanta, Ga.
GACGeriatric Assessment Clinic GACGlobal Avalanche Characteristics GACGlobal Asbestos Congress GACGreek Alliance Council GACGardner Arts Centre(UK) GACGraduate Academic Certificate GACGeneral Artificial Consciousness GACGresham Art Committee(Gresham, OR) ...
Someone willing to take the time to go over all of your options and treat you as a person. With over 10 independent clinic locations in Metro Atlanta there is a good chance that we have an office near you. Our group of chiropractors is one of the largest independent groups in Atlanta....
LCCLivable Communities Coalition(Atlanta, GA) LCCLargo Cultural Center(Florida, USA) LCCLondonderry Chamber of Commerce(Londonderry, NH) LCCLakewood Country Club(Thailand) LCCLubbock Christian College(now Lubbock Christian University; Lubbock, TX, USA) ...
At one clinic, we recruited in-person, and at another clinic, we posted flyers with study information on the back of exam room doors. We sent recruitment text messages to maternal caregivers involved in the government assistance program. Interested mothers either contacted or shared their contact ...
Fertility clinic. Patient(s) A total of 2,973 prenatal-cfDNA-screening results for the most common trisomies (T13, T18, T21, X, and Y) and microdeletions (1p36, 4p16.3, 5p15.2, 15q11.2, and 22q11.2) from singleton pregnancies allocated into two groups: PGT-A group (n = 1,204) pr...
Planned Parenthood Great Rivers has for the last two days offered medication abortions and vasectomies free of charge at a mobile clinic parked near the United Center, where the Democratic National Convention is being held. The mobile clinic saw 12 patients on Monday, including two who ...