Clipart library offers about 18 high-quality clip advent free for free! Download clip advent free and use any clip art,coloring,png graphics in your website, document or presentation.
advent - arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous); "the advent of the computer" coming arrival, reaching - accomplishment of an objective 2. Advent - the season including the four Sundays preceding Christmas church calendar, ecclesiastical calendar - a calendar of the Chris...
Clipart library offers about 24 high-quality advent borders for free! Download advent borders and use any clip art,coloring,png graphics in your website, document or presentation.
Clipart library offers about 49 high-quality Solstice Cliparts for free! Download Solstice Cliparts and use any clip art,coloring,png graphics in your website, document or presentation.
Noun1.Adventist- a member of Christian denomination that expects the imminent advent of Christ Second Adventist Christian- a religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton...
Clipart library offers about 29 high-quality clip devotionals for free! Download clip devotionals and use any clip art,coloring,png graphics in your website, document or presentation.
Christian church, church - one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship religious person - a person who manifests devotion to a deity Adventist, Second Adventist - a member of Christian denomination that expects the imminent advent of Christ gentile - a Chris...
1.(Protestantism) the religion or religious system of any of the Churches of Western Christendom that are separated from the Roman Catholic Church and adhere substantially to principles established by Luther, Calvin, etc, in the Reformation
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: eschatology [ˌeskəˈtɒlədʒɪ]N(Rel) →escatologíaf Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © Wil...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: seminarian [ˌsemɪˈnɛərɪən]Nseminarist[ˈsemɪnərɪst]N→seminaristam ...