“FCA” (Free Carrier):这是国际贸易术语解释通则中的一个缩写,与“free carrier”含义相同,表示货交承运人。 说明/解释:FCA是国际贸易中常用的一个术语,用于明确买卖双方在货物交付给承运人时的责任和义务。 “Delivered to Carrier”:这个短语也表达了相同的意思,即货物已经被交付给承运...
FCA(Free Carrier)是国际贸易术语之一,全称是“货交承运人”。以下是对FCA的详细解释:定义和概述: FCA条款下,卖方负责在指定的交货地点完成出口清关手续,并将货物交给买方指定的承运人。 承运人可以是航运公司、航空公司、卡车运输公司、铁路或货运代理等任何承担运输的个人或公司。双方义务: 卖方必须按合同规定提供货...
What is Free Carrier (FCA)? An Incoterms® rule, applicable to any form or forms of transport (air, ocean, ground or multimodal), under which the seller has two possibilities for delivery of the goods: If the named place of delivery is the seller’s place of business, the seller is...
Free Carrier (FCA) Overview In every case, the seller is responsible for export clearance. Buyers will assume risk and bare all costs after the goods have been delivered to the named destination. If shipments are moving across borders, Free Carrier is usually a better option than Ex Works. ...
What Is Free Carrier (FCA)? Free carrier is a trade term dictating that asellerof goods is responsible for the delivery of those goods to a destination specified by the buyer. When used in trade, the word "free" means the seller has an obligation to deliver goods to a named place for ...
【贸易术语】1. FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人;2. FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货;3. FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货;4. CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费;5. CIF (Cost,Insurance and Fr...
FCA(free carrier)是货交承运人(指定地点),是指卖方只要将货物在指定的地点交给买方指定的承运人,并办理了出口清关手续,即完成交货。 FOB(Free On Board),也称“船上交货价”,是国际贸易中常用的贸易术...
Learn more about FCA incoterms: free carrier. Understand shipping terms, responsibilities, & obligations for seller & buyer. Facilitating global trade.
二、FCA术语FCA的全称是Free Carrier(…named place),___……指定地点)。在使用时,术语后应注明“INCOTERMS 2010”。FC