其中OpenCascade,一个强大的CAD内核,Coin3D,OpenInventor,世界著名的UI框架Qt和提供最好的脚本语言之一的化身Python。FreeCAD本身也可以作为一个库使用其他程序。 跨平台:目前运行在Windows和Linux / Unix和Mac OSX的系统软件相对专业,大卫也是朋友推荐才给大家的哈,如有其他问题也可留言哦! 作者最新文章 可替代AutoCAD...
Choose Your Own CADventure 10 Great AutoCAD Alternatives (3 Are Free) byLucas Carolo,Bor Kracun,Raphael Bertasius Updated Nov 4, 2024 AutoCAD is a great program, but there are plenty of similar CAD tools out there. Check out our picks for AutoCAD alternatives!
区别:AutoCAD 是一种通用计算机辅助设计和绘图软件,用于创建精确的二维和三维绘图;FreeCAD是一个开源CAD/CAE工具,可以作为autocad的替代。
FreeCAD绿色汉化版是一款开源免费的CAD/MCAD/CAx/CAE/PLM 建模软件,可以替代专业的AutoCAD设计软件,可以进行模型设计、汽车制造、房屋设计,虽然他没有autocad那么出名,但是它的功能却丝毫不必cad差。FreeCAD开源软件采用了 Coin 3D 提供的与 Open Inventor 兼容的三维场景模型,提供丰富的 Python API 接口,简体中文界面...
FreeCAD 可以将图形导出为 AutoCAD、3D View 等格式,是 AutoCAD、SolidWorks 等商业软件的免费开源替代品。如果你厌烦了到处去找 AutoCAD 破解版、绿色版或者想使用正版的 CAD 软件来学习或用于自己的项目,那么免费开源的 FreeCAD 是一个不错的选择。 FreeCAD 建模入门视频教程: FreeCAD 的资料不多,中文视频教程也...
但是本着分享给大家挖掘好用并免费的软件原则,大卫今天给大家带来另一款3D建模软件-FreeCAD。 01 软件介绍 FreeCAD是一个基于OpenCASCADE的开源CAD/CAE工具。 OpenCASCADE是一套开源的CAD/CAM/CAE几何模型核心,来自法国Matra Datavision公司,是著名的CAD软件EUCLID的开发平台。
在CAD建模软件中最知名的就是AutoCAD了吧?不过它是一款商业软件,售价不菲。对此,网友 D.Ace 特意向我们推荐了FreeCAD这款免费的 3D CAD 制图工具。 FreeCAD是一款通用开源免费的三维 CAD/MCAD/CAx/CAE/PLM建模软件,既能用于机械工程与工业产品设计,也面向更广泛的工程应用如建筑或其他工程领域。它基于 OpenCasCade...
nanoCADis a 3D CAD software available for Windows. Its basic version is free (there's a paid professional and more powerful version called nanoCAD Plus that costs $180). The interface is designed to be very similar to AutoCAD which simplifies switching for those who are used to work Autodesk...
AutoCADis one of the best free CAD software tools that architects, engineers, and construction professionals rely on to create precise 2D and 3D drawings. You can edit and create drawings in AutoCAD on virtually any device. Using AutoCAD, you can access any DWG file with Autodesk’s cloud se...
software includes Direct X support, which is useful for those who use CAD software for video games, as well as being a practical addition to most developers. NanoCAD has been thoroughly designed and is a great free alternative to AutoCAD. This one may be our top recommendation for general ...