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1. my friend you need know the miner is normal working in 24 hours one day and never stop, so its warranty date is shorter than other product 2. new miner 60 days warranty is provided starting from the shipping date by Innosilicon in accordance with their terms and conditions ...
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BTC Miner Adventure 2 is a ONE OF THE BEST FREE EPIC RUNNING GAME...Take a Deep Breath , Concentrate and feel the Adrenaline Pumping as you get emerged totally into Thrilling BTC Mining.BTC Miner Adventure 2 is a clear illustration of the influence of BitCoins and Crypto Currency which is...
有个名字带miner的程序可能就是主功能程序,从中文注释来看,yf是云帆的意思~.~。下简单分析一下流程。 首先是,注意到多次出现speedDaemon、yfminer、和fungeeker三个进程调用,为功能进程。 def killalls(): try: os.system("kill -9 `ps -ef|grep speedDaemon |grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'...