Anvi’o: an advanced analysis and visualization platform for ‘omics data. PeerJ. 2015;3:e1319. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Langmead B, Salzberg SL. Fast gapped-read alignment with Bowtie 2. Nat Methods. 2012;9:357–9. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar ...
Anvi’o: an advanced analysis and visualization platform for ‘omics data. PeerJ. 2015;3:e1319. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Langmead B, Salzberg SL. Fast gapped-read alignment with Bowtie 2. Nat Methods. 2012;9:357–9. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar ...
(NCBI GRCm38) for normal mouse samples, or a pseudo-genome that combined reference human and mouse genomes for PDX samples, using Bowtie2 software79; PCR duplications (i.e., reads with identical ending positions) were identified and removed using in-house programs, and ...
虽然Bowtie2、SOAP2和BWA都采用了BWT算法,然而三种软件还有差别。其中Bowtie2采用Ferragina 和Manzini 提出的FM (Full-text minute-space)-index算法,为基因组序列创建具有后缀矩阵特性的 FM 索引数据结构,实现短序列的快速搜索;SOAP2则采用的是 BWT 算法压缩基因组序列哈希表索引数据结构进行精确匹配,采用“分割短序...
tool_pathPath to a directory containing all the need external software, e.g. thetools.tar.gz picard_pathNeeded for sam to fastq conversion trim_galore_pathNeeded for read trimming cutadapt_pathNeeded for read trimming bowtie2_pathNeeded for all against all alignment (cluster finding) ...
Bowtie 2 序列比对工具,短读长序列快速比对至参考序列,结果为SAM/BAM格式 [68] MetaPhlAn2 物种组成定量流程,包括人工整理的上万物种中的上百万个标记基因数据库,结果可直接用于LEfSe分析 [47] HUMAnN2 https://bitbuc...
The open source software includes the following external tools: bcl2fastq v2.17.1.14, Trimmomatic v0.32, Bowtie v2.2.4 and BLAST v2.2.30. A description of all open source code is included in Methods and further details are available on request. The proprietary portions of the code are not...
analyzed using 130 nt + 21 nt paired-end sequencing on Illumina sequencers. Adapter sequences were removed from read 1 (130 nt), and UMI sequences were extracted from read 2 (21 nt). The processed read 1 sequences were then aligned to designed BDA amplicons using the Bowtie2 software38...
ASTAtlanticSoftwareTechnologies,Inc. ASTAdvancedSurveillanceTestbed ASTAdministrativeSiteProcedures ASTAirborneSurveillanceTechnician ASTAirSupportedThreat ASTAtmosphericSurveillanceTechnology ASTAIRSupportTeam ASTAmericanstarTours ASTAnalysis,Slicing,andTransformationWorkshop ...
Software and algorithms Samtools Li et al.12 bowtie2 Langmead and Salzberg13 scBS-map Wu et al.14 bedtools Quinlan and Hall15