有用户反馈:自己win10系统电脑安装了Free Any Blu-ray Player(蓝光视频播放器),使用系统卸载后,无法确定Free Any Blu-ray Player(蓝光视频播放器)是否依然存在残留文件,想了解是否有更方便简单的方法,能确保Free Any Blu-ray Player(蓝光视频播放器)可以彻底卸载清除,由于担心如果存在卸载不了或者卸载有残留的话,会...
类型:国产软件 授权:共享软件 更新:2023-10-05 环境:Windows11,Windows10,Windows8,Windows7 本地下载 9.1 0% 0% 详情介绍 Free Blu-ray Player电脑版是一款功能强大的DVD媒体播放器软件,它可以播放电影、视频、音频、音乐等各种媒体格式,如果你的计算机中有蓝光或DVD ISO文件,只需打开这款软件,就可以在其中...
For a free Blu-ray player for Windows 10, Movavi Video Converter is a great option. It allows you to play Blu-ray discs for free, making it ideal for watching movies in stunning high definition. The software boasts user-friendly controls, high-quality playback, and compatibility with variou...
Free Blu-ray Player可以让用户直接在电脑上播放光盘内容,将您的光盘添加到电脑,启动这款软件就可以读取光盘视频,从而开始播放电影,购买的DVD光盘可以直接打开视频播放,自己刻录的媒体光盘也可以在这款软件播放,不需要翻录DVD就可以在电脑播放高清蓝光电影,适合需要在电脑上查看DVD光盘视频的朋友使用;Free Blu-ray Player...
No Blu-ray support 5.GOM Media Player Over the years, GOM has emerged as one of the most versatile DVD players for Windows 10 and all other earlier versions of the OS. Its video playback features are nothing short of amazing since GOM enables you to play videos in various resolutions and...
System Requirement of Blu-ray Player OS Supported:Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista, Windows 7 CPU:Intel Core2 Duo 2.4GHz processor or equivalent AMD Athlon™ processor or higher recommended RAM:512 MB RAM or higher recommended ...
电脑上安装了Free Any Blu-ray Player后就可以随意的播放任何蓝光视频、DVD以及音频等多媒体文件,各种3D、4K、1080P视频想看就看,所有音频格式想听就听,使用方法也十分简单,只需要启动软件将要播放的媒体文件加载后即可选择自己喜欢的音轨和字幕,开始欣赏电影~
FreeAnyBlu-rayPlayer是一款功能强大的蓝光视频播放器,通过此软件,用户可以轻松播放3D/4K蓝光光盘、DVD光盘、文件夹或ISO文件以及4K视频、1080P视频、SD/HD视频和所有音频格式。 Free Any Blu-ray Player是一款功能强大的蓝光视频播放器,通过此软件,用户可以轻松播放3D/4K蓝光光盘、DVD光盘、文件夹或iso文件以及4K视频...
7. Windows Blu-ray Player Suitable for both the Windows and Mac platforms, Windows Blu-ray Player offers a comprehensive package that facilitates the playback of a huge array of video formats besides blu ray itself, regardless of the country of origin. The simple user interface also makes brow...
Free DVD Blu-Ray Media Player is a high-quality video player that provides a smooth and clear playback experience. With the ability to support a wide range of video file formats, this player is versatile and perfect for all your media needs. The mult