Let's see what the bitmap and vector. Bitmap is the picture, in which each point has its own color image. Vector image, this image is described by a vector.
Download design elements for free: icons, photos, vector illustrations, and music for your videos. All the assets made by designers → consistent quality ⚡️
🎨 Cross-platform image editor with raster and vector layers similar to Paint.Net written in Lazarus (Free Pascal) - bgrabitmap/lazpaint
保存了处理后的bitmapFT_Matrix matrix;/* transformation matrix */FT_Vector pen;/* untransformed origin */FT_Error error;// 错误码char* filename;// 字体文件char* text;// 要显示的一行字符串doubleangle;// 要旋转的角度inttarget_height;// 用于显示的目标区域高度, 通常为LCD...
Generating a bitmap or pixmap image from a vectorial image is easy with FreeType. However, one must understand a few points regarding the positioning of the outline in the 2D plane before converting it to a bitmap: 使用FreeType可以很容易地从矢量图像生成像素图像。然而,在将轮廓线转换为点阵图...
The application uses a vector and bitmap drawing interface to generate 2D drawings, graphics, and animation. This 2D animation software is available for all platforms like Windows, Mac OS, and, Linux. Note: With Pencil2D, you can sketch, ink & paint while switching smoothly from raster to ...
With Batch Images's built-in face recognition you can create bitmap layers out of rectangles corresponding to the detected faces. You can then apply various actions to this face layer, with the net effect being that only the regions containing faces will be affected by those actions. You have...
If the glyph image is scalable (i.e., ifglyph->formatis not equal toFT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP), it is possible to transform the image anytime by a call toFT_Glyph_Transform. 如果文字图像是可缩放的(比如,如果glyph->format不等于FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP),这样的话就可以在任何时候调用FT_Glyph_...
Vector rendering Vector rendering lets you create stylized renderings (for example, cartoon, tonal art, line art, hidden line, wireframe) in various bitmap image formats and 2D vector formats using geometric primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes (like polygons). ...
Need Free Icons? Here are vector and bitmap icon sets that you can freely use in your projects.