Twitter Google Share on Facebook birthdate Thesaurus birthdate (ˈbɜːθdeɪt)or birth date n the date on which a person was born Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, ...
He further asked the court to determine whether by falsifying his date of birth upon being appointed to the Nigerian Bench as a judicial officer, Justice Muhammad had not breached the constitution. Court Dismisses Suit Accusing Acting CJN Of Age Falsification Ege's British passport gives his date...
An anniversary is a date when you remember something special that happened on that date in an earlier year. It's our wedding anniversary today. They celebrated the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth. 2. 'birthday' Don't refer to the anniversary of the date when you were born as you...
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PassportScanner - Scan the MRZ code of a passport and extract the first name, last name, passport number, nationality, date of birth, expiration date and personal number. Rough - Rough lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style. Sharaku - Image filtering UI library like Instagram....
Encyclopedia Wikipedia flourish like a green bay tree To thrive; to grow very successfully. The green bay tree is known to grow several new branches every year.Wow, you have just been flourishing like a green bay tree ever since you changed majors.Every parent wants their child to flourish ...
A A A A Language: Mobile Apps: For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content Linking Lookup box Close BLM Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Category filter: AcronymDefinition BLM Bureau of ...
Free PC games with mature content may have age verification processes to ensure they are played by an appropriate audience. Some games require you to confirm your age by entering your birthdate or linking to an age-verified account, such as a Steam account with age restrictions enabled. ...
It can also assess theimpact on your 401k of major life eventssuch as the birth of a child, illness, college fees etc. Or it can be used to assess how your immediate finances could be improved if you get a lump sum and eliminate expensive premiums by gettingan estimate on selling your...
Total 25(OH)D was positively correlated with higher birthweight (p = 0.002) and was also inversely correlated with jaundice, whereby women with neonates with jaundice had a lower mean total 25(OH)D of 47.51 ± 18.15 nmol/L compared with 55.75 ± 20.4 nmol/L in women whose neonates did ...