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Free Birdie【拼接款轻羽绒服】今年不允许你们错过❗️一穿即暖,轻便不压身❗️都市户外风的版型设计款式简约,日常、休闲、户外、通勤、无缝衔接 可以穿着运动的羽绒服!拒绝厚重老气🔥 ✅防风立领,亲肤保暖,双拉...
自由的小鸟Free Birdie是商家在淘宝通过提交真实资料,通过淘宝官方审核通过后开设的自由的小鸟Free Birdie...
birdie (ˈbɜːdɪ) n 1. (Golf) golf a score of one stroke under par for a hole 2. informal a bird, esp a small bird vb (Golf) (tr) golf to play (a hole) in one stroke under par Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins...
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a little birdie told me A phrase used when one does not want to reveal the source of the information that one is about to share or has shared.A: "Did you hear that Mark is planning to propose to Sarah soon?" B: "Yes, a little birdie told me."A little birdie told me that George...
birdie Birdikin birding Birding piece Birdlet birdlife Birdlike bird-like birdlime Birdling birdman birdnest bird-nest birdnesting bird-nesting bird-on-the-wing Birds bird's bird's eye bird's eye view bird's foot bird's foot clover ...
Birdie lets you focus on the most interesting people in the 'Favorites' section. Think of it as your iPhone's VIP contacts, or the people on speed-dial. Always easy to access with a single tap! *Personalized Trends* Ever wonder why something you have no interest in keeps popping up in...
BYE, BYE BIRDIE; Ballyk's sad - and quiet - farewell to farmer `Eamonn' Birdy tells of a man with a lifelong obsession with birds. Wharton, William Constructed intricately as a series of parallel flashbacks, Birdy looks for the roots of Al's bitterness and Birdy's psychosis in their wo...
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