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Biographies of chemists and historical articles are also available. American PanoramaCreated by the Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond, this free interactive digital atlas of America uses online GIS to explore and visualize data with maps. Varied topics include presidential global ...
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Awesome Stories uses non-traditional reading materials, such as biographies and primary source texts, to get students learning through reading. Students can use the site to help with research and teachers can use the texts as part of lesson plans. Creating an account allows users to access audio...
In another part, biographies of great savants of Islam - hadrat Imâm-ı Rabbâni and hadrat Sayyed Abdülhakîm-ı Arvâsi - are explained. In the part Two Apples of the Eye of Muslims superiority of hadrat Abû Bakr and hadrat Omar is explained; in the part The First Fitna ...
Free Irish Biography eBooks provides links to free ebooks of biographies of people with Irish heritage. The links I looked at were all to the Open Library and were for free reading online without registration. If you click on the Open Library link on the upper left, you will have several ...
As part of our mission to help people learn about Emanuel Swedenborg, we’ve made all translations available for free! You can choose from our in-process New Century Edition or the older Redesigned Standard Edition translations. We also offer free, downl
Ad unit available on home page or section only. In-Stream Video ads Ad sizes available for In-Stream Video:Billboard, Tall Box and Big Box Video specifications:YouTube hosted Video length:Recommended maximum 1 minute ...
Ar-Raheeq al Makhtoom (The Sealed Nectar) , When the Moon Split , mirror , Seerah / Sirat by Ibn Hisham : Format 1 , Format 2 , [Biographies are attempts to understand and then present the Seerah, & are not perfect or flawless and some information in them may be wrong]Free...
iQIYI’s user interface is designed with international viewers in mind, featuring intuitive navigation and comprehensive show descriptions that include everything from episode summaries to detailed cast biographies. The app also offers a unique feature that allows viewers to create and share clips of th...