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Have you ever come across some amazing projects that you couldn't usejust because you didn't have an OpenAI API key? We've got you covered!This repository offersreverse-engineeredthird-party APIs forGPT-4/3.5, sourced from various websites. You can simplydownloadthis repository, and use the...
该py文件是使用bing的API,谷歌的搜索引擎对目标域名的子域名进行查询。主要的两个函数为bxfr函数和gxfr函数。 bxfr函数,使用Bing的API进行子域名解析和查询,该函数需要提供Bing相关功能的API Key。然后访问` https://api.datamarket.azure.com/Data.ashx/Bing/Search/Web?Query=domain&Misplaced &format=json经...
The kernel function is a key factor of MPS, but it has an omni-spread function. It may occur under the distinct pressure head, and the buoyancy force can be underestimated at multi-phase flows. It can be solved by applying a self-buoyancy force to the center particle. Self-buoyancy is ...
3. Authentication Key When you sign up for Translator, you get a personalized access key unique to your subscription. This key is required on each call to Translator. Retrieve your authentication key by first selecting the appropriate subscription. Select Keys in the Resource Management section of...
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在该工具的帮助下,我们可以轻松执行开源网络情报收集工作。 支持收集的信息 ask bing crt censys.io dns dnsdumpster dogpile github google googleplus instagram linkedin netcraft pgp reddit reverse dns shodan twitter v FB客服 2023-02-24 7660 如何使用ID-entify搜索目标域名相关的敏感信息...
Regex:当当前Http请求session url 通过指定正则匹配时匹配通过。(如[“^https://www.bing.cn/js/page.\S*?.js\b”该正则匹配表示以“https://www.bing.cn/js/page.”开头并以“.js”结尾并且中间含随机版本的js请求url) AllPass:对任意Http请求session url匹配通过。(当您需要为所有通过fiddler的请求都进行...
由于获取不到bing_api_key ,看不到最终效果,所以没做。 3、利用网站内容生成密码字典 bhp_wordlist.py(python2) from burp import IBurpExtender from burp import IContextMenuFactory from javax.swing import JMenuItem from java.util import List, ArrayList from java.net import URL import re from dateti...