Free audiobooks for kids - listen online or download for free. Children's stories by Shan McFadden, read aloud by the author.
audiobooks, streaming media, etc. What’s important about what’s offered here is that they aredownloadable MP3s(they’ll play on virtually any audio device…and because you can download them…you don’t have to be on Wi-Fi to listen…so they are perfect for long car...
KidsLearningCenter is a British comprehensive website for kids to learn stuffs online. It consists of several directories: Kids Nursery Rhymes covers more than 200 Kids Nursery Rhymes and Riddles for the whole family plus Kids Nursery Rhyme Reading Books; Kids Audio Books offers free MP3s with ...
Hoopla works just like a public library, which means you can instantly borrow free audiobooks at any time by using your library card. If you don’t already have a Hoopla account, you can sign up for one online. You will need to log in to be able to “borrow” anything. ...
When the kids were little we had a selection of audio books on CD and borrowed CDs from the library, but these days our audiobooks are all digital and there is an amazing selection of fabulous free audiobooks for kids available online. ...
Looking for free books for kids? Discover the best websites offering engaging stories for young readers. Explore top resources to spark your child’s imagination today!
At Storyberries Radio you can listen to our full collection of free kids audio stories and fairy tales... perfect for bedtime, car trips or sunny days!
Building a Chinese home library can be costly and challenging for bilingual families in the United States. Thankfully, many websites and apps offer free Mandarin Chinese books for kids. Free Mandarin Chinese audiobooks have helped families like ours raise multilingual children, and I’m excited ...
Free audio books can be enjoyed just about anywhere: you may prefer to listen while walking, running, driving, cycling, commuting or tapping away at your keyboard while working. Whatever your reason for wishing to access free talking books we have put together a list of online resources that ...
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