audiobook (ˈɔːdɪəʊˌbʊk)or audio book n a recorded reading of a book recorded on tape, CD, or digital formats Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011,...
Once you’ve found a title you’re interested in, you can click it to see additional information. You’ll initially see information for the print copy at your nearest library, but if it’s available as an audiobook, you’ll see that noted as well. From this page, you can click on th...
Try Audible Now & Get a FREE Audiobook! Download hundreds of free audio books, mostly classics, to your MP3 player or computer. Below, you'll find great works of non-fiction. Click here to see our our complete collection of 550 Free Audio Books. Also p
up to 25 free audiobook purchases per day In addition to the sites of list listed above, you can also search for "audiobooks" on YouTube to find more resources. Similarly, BBC Radio and podcasts also provide rich audiobooks resources. ...
Best 10 Free YouTube Audiobook Posted by Michelle on 8/6/2021 11:14:32 AM. (0 comments) We all know Audible has a great catalog of audiobooks. However, audiobooks can also be found on other various channels. One platform you may have never thought of is YouTube which has hundreds ...
If you want to maximize hands-on reading and minimize screen time, I strongly recommend the Luka Reading Robot! Luka Reading Companion is a Mandarin audiobook player that narrates popular children’s books aloud, page by page. If your budget has room for kid-friendly gadgets, Luka can help ...
It will help you to download an audiobook, long music loop, or long music compilation. There will be no limits on video lengths and video/audio size. It has a feature of automatically selecting the highest possible bitrate up to 320 kbps. ...
Voice Audiobook Player Price: Free This is a basic but completely open-source free audiobook app for Android. It has no ads and a clean and streamlined look based on Material Design. You add a folder containing files, and away you go! It can remember your last position and adjust playback...
Amazon’s Audible offers a massive number of professionally narrated books. Though it’s ordinarily a paid service, you can sign up for a 30-day trial that comes with a free audiobook and access to a bunch of perks like Audible’sfiction podcasts(we recommendSour Hall, based on a story ...
Take care when choosing an audiobook for Chinese listening practice When choosing an audiobook in Chinese, try to choose a book you really want to listen to, and that you choose something which is not outrageously difficult. I can’t say what will work for you, but you sh...