Audiobooks are a wonderful way to expose all students to complicated storytelling, no matter their reading level. Listening to a story being read helps students engage in text, gain exposure to more words, and ultimately improve vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Not only that...
Elementary Algorithms - Larry LIU Xinyu Foundations of Computer Science - Al Aho and Jeff Ullman Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization Lectures Notes on Algorithm Analysis and Computational Complexity (Fourth Edition) - Ian Parberry (use form at bottom of license) LEDA: A Platform for Combina...
Vooksis a library of kids’ favorite picture books that come to life through animation. The books are read aloud. And the words are also on the screen. There are NO ads so you can be sure students are getting safe screen time. Free Offer Details:Vooks is offering a FREE year for teach...
For some reason, only the absolute beginner category works, but you can still access the other episodes by using a service likeThe Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.Here’s a link to the elementary episodeswhere the audio is still available. There are about 350 episodes in ...
This Cengage Learning company is providing four lessons for elementary and middle school English language learners that teach about COVID-19, what they can do to protect themselves, and how they can make a difference. These lessons also provide language support to help students communicate about ...
Elementary Dynamics: a textbook for engineers Joseph Whittington Landon | Cambridge University Press, Published in 1920, 268 pages Communication Systems | Wikibooks, Published in 2011, 162 pages Elements of Engineering Thermodynamics James Ambrose Moyer | J. Wiley, Published in 1920, 244 pages Wind ...
For younger students, this is a great resource for learning nursery rhymes that incorporate counting and spelling. In addition to popular nursery rhymes and songs, the channel features videos to reinforce everything from good manners to potty training. ...
adult education, extension of educational opportunities to those adults beyond the age of general public education who feel a need for further training of any sort, also known as continuing education. Forms of Adult Education Contemporary adult education can take many different forms. Colleges and un...
Teaching Singing To Elementary Students Should young children receive voice lessons? What if they are singing already? Suggested DO's & DON'Ts for a teacher of young voices.Teaching Young Singers Who Don't Read Yet What do you do with a little, cute, non-musician who can't even read ...
Elementary Algorithms - Larry LIU Xinyu Foundations of Computer Science - Al Aho and Jeff Ullman Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization Lectures Notes on Algorithm Analysis and Computational Complexity (Fourth Edition) - Ian Parberry (use form at bottom of license) LEDA: A Platform for Combina...