of production costs; and for improvement in working conditions and in the cultural and technical level of the workers. As production becomes more machine-intensive the rational use of machinery, including prompt and accurate repairs when needed, becomes a major aim of the organization of production...
voluntary organization any organization (political parties, recreational clubs, etc.) where membership is optional and not a standard requirement of membership of a particular society. As Pickvance (1986) states, there is general agreement that voluntary associations are not institutions in the sense ...
law-breaking by organizations such as businesses or state bureaucracies. Typical examples would be the flouting of health, hygiene or safety regulations, or the failure to observe pollution controls (S. Box,Power, Crime and Mystification,1983). Precise figures are difficult to obtain, but organizati...
Gavin Clowes heads up Kagan UK, an organization dedicated to bringing Kagan Structures and methods to United Kingdom teachers and schools. For details on Kagan Institutes, workshops and conferences go to www.T2TUK.co.uk and www.Kaganonline.com End Notes Thank you to Rob Jut...
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The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Sports Club a public or private organization for athletes and sports enthusiasts. There are amateur sports clubs, whose budgets are made up of trade union dues, rental payments for the...
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And Todd wisely decided to build Little Free Library as a non-profit(非营利的)organization. Nowadays, there are about 100,000 little free libraries around the world.Little Free Library tells us that literacy (识字) is of great importance and pushes us to improve our ability to read and ...
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In this article, we contrast a conventional classroom lesson and its environment with a classroom where Kagan Structures are brought in. We discuss the benefits of the Structures and explain why this alternative approach to classroom organization works much better and has a long-term learn...