Access free stock data API offering real-time and historical market data for global exchanges. Marketstack provides fast, reliable stock price API solutions.
The U.S. stock market has performed admirably so far in 2024. Stocks, as measured by the S&P 500, have appreciated more than 24% as of the market close on Nov. 19. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nasdaq have also turned in good performance numbers. The Dow is up close to...
Access free stock data API offering real-time and historical market data for global exchanges. Marketstack provides fast, reliable stock price API solutions.
Stock Market APIGlobal News APIGet Free API Key We are proud to partner with the following global organizations among others: NASDAQ celebrates Alpha Vantage as its officially licensed US market data provider @ The NASDAQ Stock Exchange Tower, Time Square, New York City ...
Free Investor Sign up for podcasts, News and stock alerts for alerts for TSX, NYSE, NASDAQ, OTC, ASX, CSE, for sports, cannabis, cryptocurrency and blockchain, biotech, tech, mining, renewable energy, climate change ,water stocks at
Stock Rover’s service starts free, meaning you can research and screen over 10,000 stocks and ETFs. The free service includes a stock newsfeed and powerful watchlist/portfolio management. If you want unlimited access to the 10-year financial database and fair value/margin of safety ratings, ...
Marketstack Free, easy-to-use REST API interface delivering worldwide stock market data in JSON format Weatherstack Retrieve instant, accurate weather information for any location in the world in lightweight JSON format Numverify Global Phone Number Validation & Lookup JSON API Fixer Fixer is ...
Instant access to global stock market and finance news also including funds, crypto and more along with comprehensive sentiment analysis. GET FREE API KEY VIEW DOCUMENTATION { "meta": { "found": 9784, "returned": 5, "limit": 5, "page": 1 }, "data": [ { "uuid": "5d3d36e5-d2c...
Data Disclaimer: The Nasdaq Indices and the Major Indices are delayed at least 1 minute. 投资者可以进行盘前(美国东部时间上午 4:00 - 9:30) 和盘后(美国东部时间下午 4:00 - 8:00) 交易。做市商和 ECN 严格自愿参与,因此,这些时段的流动性和价格会比较低。在这种环境下,股票价格也可能波动更快。
Why aren't the market indices available? (S&P 500, DJIA, NASDAQ) The IEX API only provides free data for stocks, not indices, so the closest thing is to use ETFs that track the major indices. See here for context: Suggested index ETFs: ...