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You can make error to use uninjected PlayerLoopTiming by Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BannedApiAnalyzers. For example, you can setup BannedSymbols.txt like this for InjectPlayerLoopTimings.Minimum.F:Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.PlayerLoopTiming.Initialization; Isn't injected this PlayerLoop in this project. F:... - All the tools you need to fully understand what's going on in your APIs and Backends. With automatic API contract validation and monitoring. The free plan covers servers with up to 20,000 requests per month. APIVerve - Get instant access to over 120+ APIs for free, buil...
Dify offers out-of-the-box, ready-to-use applications that can also serve as Backend-as-a-Service APIs. Unify your development process with one API for plugins and datasets integration, and streamline your operations using a single interface for prompt engineering, visual analytics, and continuou...
vApplicationTickHook()函数在中断服务程序中执行,因此这个函数必须非常短小,不能大量使用堆栈,不能调用任何不是以”FromISR" 或 "FROM_ISR”结尾的API函数。 在FreeRTOSVx.x.x\FreeRTOS\Demo\Common\Minimal文件夹下的crhook.c文件中有使用时间片钩子函数的例程。
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