Free Trial Terms:At the end of your trial period you will be charged £39.99 for the first term. After the first term, you will be automatically renewed at the renewal price (currently £95.99/yr price subject to change). We will charge you 7-days before renewal. You can cancel at...
Today’s connected world demands a higher level of security for devices and endpoints, which is why there’s a surge inantivirus softwarethat is better, more sophisticated, and stronger than its predecessors. One thing that may never go away is the antivirus with a trial version because most...
30-days Free Trial - Download Kaspersky Standard for free and get award-winning antivirus for PC, Mac & Android to protect your digital life.
Best free antivirus software for basic protection Bitdefender Antivirus Free Best free antivirus software for extra security Avira Free Security If you use a Windows or Mac PC, do you really need third-party antivirus software? For that matter, do you need to pay for the protection? Wit...
You can also cancel auto-renewal by contactingKaspersky Customer Support. If you’ve already been charged for the next subscription term, you have 30 days from the billing date to request a full refund of the renewal payment. To request a refund, please contactKaspersky Customer Support....
*Price shown is for first year.See offer details below. It’s more than just antivirus software—it’s peace of mind Defend yourself and the entire family against the latest virus, malware, spyware and ransomware attacks while staying on top of your privacy and identity. ...
Norton is a popular brand, known for providing thebest antivirus software.And that’s not just it. The company also offers thebest PC optimization softwarethat’s incomparable to any other tools available in the marketplace. Its Windows optimizer provides preset profiles that help boost the perfo...
go to homepage My Account Your free trial lasts 30 days. We will remind you 7 days before your trial ends. Unless you cancel your subscription within the trial period, a paid yearly subscription will start. Once your trial ends, you will be charged at the special 12-month introductory pric...
Download Kaspersky free or trial version products and protect yourself against latest cyber attacks and threats. Get ultimate virus protection with Kaspersky cyber security software.
Sophos on Tuesday released free anti-virus software for Macs. While it's not hard to find free antivirus software for Macs (ClamXAV has been at it for years) by all accounts this is the first commercial grade tool available for nada. That means no strings attached, no trial period that...