K9 Sniff Works is particularly keen to offer spots to those Veterans who are struggling with challenges such as PTSD, depression, mobility considerations (both dog and human), and other challenges.
For more information:http://www.k9sniffworks.com/free-k9-nose-work-events/ Join us on January 10, 2014 at Exercised Finished in Chicopee, MA from 5:30-6:30 pm for a FREE K9 Nose Work Demonstration and Try Out. K9 Nose Work is a fun activity & competition sport based upon the princ...
v.sniffed,sniff·ing,sniffs v.intr. 1. a.To inhale a short, audible breath through the nose, as in smelling something. b.To sniffle. 2.To use the sense of smell, as in savoring or investigating:sniffed at the jar to see what it held. ...