Define environ. environ synonyms, environ pronunciation, environ translation, English dictionary definition of environ. tr.v. en·vi·roned , en·vi·ron·ing , en·vi·rons To encircle; surround: The vast desert environed the oases. American Heritage
Define sniff out. sniff out synonyms, sniff out pronunciation, sniff out translation, English dictionary definition of sniff out. vb to detect through shrewdness or instinct Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Ha
SNIFFSafe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act SNIFFStudy of Nasal Insulin to Fight Forgetfulness(clinical trial) Copyright, All rights reserved. Suggest new definition Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or ...
and in a moment had "thrown her over," that is, reversed the engine. The air brakes were applied and the train brought to a standstill within a few feet of the place where Engineer Cypher met his death two years ago. By this time the passengers had become curious as to what was the...
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160.0.0): Air Force Special Needs Identification and Assignment Coordination (SNIAC) process identifies eligible U.S. Exceptional Family Member Program managers More results ► Acronyms browser ? ▲ SNHDR SNHE SNHF SNHFH SNHG SNHI SNHJ SNHL SNHM SNHMC SNHO SNHP SNHPA SNHPC SNHPO SNHRA...
(like) a breath of fresh air (not) the be-all and end-all of (something) (not) the be-all, end-all of (something) (on) the right side of (some age) (on) the wrong side of (some age) (one) (has) never heard (of) such a thing ...
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under the ultra violet lightin a darkened room. Hand held black lights are quite inexpensive, usually costing between$15 – $25. To save the expense of a black light, you can alwaysuse your noseto detect the source of the odor.Put your nose down close to the carpet and sniff away. ...
I think that one of the major causes of this is that lawyers are trained to focus – to sift through masses of information and choose the critical issue on which the case will turn. This is a significant skill – the ability to sniff out the most pertinent issue when wading through a ...