Get it Right spellcheckerprovides you with a handy means of checking ... of words in any Windows application. The spellcheckeris optimised for multi-core processors. In fact, anything that supports the clipboard supports our spellchecker. It has the following dictionaries included - Afrikaans, Dutch...
This tool comes with agrammar checkerthat instantly detects the error in your writing. The spelling and grammar corrections are instantly available without downloading or signing up. How to Use Spinbot Article Spinner How to Input Text:Type or copy and paste in the text box you wish to rewrite...
From podcasts with natives, you won’t only learn grammar and vocabulary, but also cultural characteristics! What to learn:34 languages including Finnish, Thai, Cantonese, Czech, Afrikaans, and more. In-app purchases:Starting at $7.99 unlocking access to more lessons, podcasts, progress statistics...