Provides a wide range of tips and advice on divorce for women, from several of the nation's top divorce attorneys. Common mistakes made by couples seeking a divorce; Potential lawyer-client pitfalls; What a lawyer can't do;...
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advice (ədˈvais) noun suggestions to a person about what he should do. You must seek legal advice if you want a divorce; Let me give you a piece of advice.consejoadvise (ədˈvaiz) verb 1. to give advice to; to recommend. My lawyer advises me to buy the house.aconsejar ...
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Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook divorcée Thesaurus Legal Encyclopedia di·vor·cée (dĭ-vôr-sā′, -sē′, -vôr′sā′, -sē′) n. A divorced woman. [French, feminine past participle ofdivorcer,to divorce, from Old French, fromdivorce,divorce; ...
divorce Collins Roget's WordNet nounseparation Synonyms separation split break-up parting split-up rift dissolution severance estrangement annulment decree nisi disunion nounbreach Synonyms breach break split falling-out disagreement feud rift bust-up ...
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not always agree on how to approach a specific issue. With such disagreements, parents rarely agree on how best to advice their children. In some cases, different worldviews by parents become a source of conflict. If such conflict is not properly managed and resolved, it can lead to divorce...
It is very important to get legal advice first, before going ahead with any court case whether such legal advice relates to issues bothering on Employment Law, Tenancy or Divorce. Getting legal advice or legal help is quite important but it would also cost you a lot depending on the lawyer...
the legal or socially sanctioned dissolution of a marriage – divorce –as distinguished from the severing, temporary or permanent, of a marital relationship – separation –which may or may not lead to divorce. Sociological studies of divorce have focused mostly upon two issues: firstly the variat...