The five element theory is the cornerstone of acupuncture and meridian therapy. Clearly shows the relationship of the five elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood) . Cardinal Points of Acupuncture - PDF Not sure which point to treat? This chart contains 41 Cardinal points that are specifi...
Related to Acupunture:acupressure,Acupuncture points ac·u·punc·ture (ăk′yo͝o-pŭngk′chər) n. A procedure used in or adapted from Chinese medical practice in which specific body areas are pierced with fine needles for therapeutic purposes or to relieve pain or produce regional ane...
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In the health sciences as well, practices such as phrenology, acupuncture, hypnotism and chiropractic have all crossed in one direction or another the line that separates respected science from despised pseudo-science. If astrology does so too, it will definitely not be the first time, nor the ...
GREAT TIPS WHEN CHOOSING A CHIROPRACTOR- Chiropractic is really a form of alternative medication admired by most. In the event that you'd love to combine the men and women who have the best advantages of acupuncture's rehabilitative abilities, then it's vital you are a...
Mike Power Acupuncture Have been an Acupuncturist for over 15 years now and find that each day brings new wonder in how Acupuncture helps to promote health and a feeling of well being. This medical system, which is has been in existence for well over 2000 years, both helps maintain good he...
An estimation of the organism systems is then carried out in order to determine the acupuncture points and to apply a corrective action on the patient. The Ryo-do-raky chart consists of a table. The upper portion of the table comprises the designations of the meridians and of the diagnostic...