Enigmacross Game Edition v.6.0Real acrostic puzzles on your Windows computer. All the challenge and enjoyment of solving acrostics exactly like the ones found in newspapers or magazines. Print them out for traditional pencil-and-paper solving. Book Library v.1.2.095Book Library is an easy-to-...
Mother's Day Math Fun: Integrate Mother's Day math worksheets into your lesson plans. These can include puzzles and challenges that are themed around Mother's Day, such as counting flowers, solving simple addition and subtraction problems to reveal a hidden message, or measuring ingredients for ...
Free Printable First Communion Certificate. Free Printable First Communion Certificate that you can fill and print. A great free certificate that you can fill the information, print and save time … Father Acrostic Poem Worksheet Free Printable Father Acrostic Poem Worksheet. Free Printable Father Acro...
When teaching figurative language or writing, you may want to try these simile and metaphor worksheets. Spelling, Grade 1 Build spelling skills with this set of resources for first graders; Includes word lists, puzzles, ABC Order sorts.
Read Write Think– Activities for hands-on writing, from poetry to acrostic puzzles. Book Adventure– Take reading comprehension quizzes on popular books for grades K-8. Vocabulary– Grow your vocabulary with these personalized resources and drills; aimed at middle school and high school students....