Frederick Taylor Scientific managementmaturemansun 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多3586 111 3:00:26 App 【WWE RAW】第1634期 268 -- 5:42 App Management by objectives 30.1万 939 2:09:04 App 【泳者之心】游过偏见之海,书写女性传奇! 1458 3 2:28 App Organizational Structure ...
a科学管理法(Scientific Management)是由弗雷德里克•温斯洛•泰勒(Frederick Winslow Taylor)在19世纪末提出并设计的一套通过科学分析、建立最优流程从而提高生产效率的生产管理方法。 泰勒认为,通过科学地分析工作流程,就能够发现“一种最好的工作办法”。 The scientific control law (Scientific Management) is by ...
aMy mother buys a skirt 我的母亲买裙子[translate] a她主要从事儿童青少年心理咨询,以及亲子关系治疗 She mainly is engaged in the child young people psychology consultation, as well as parentage treatment[translate] aScientific management (Frederick Taylor) 科学管理(Frederick泰勒)[translate]...
It has been over 100 years since Frederick Winslow Taylor embarked upon his career and the development of what he called "scientific management." Taylor's contributions to industrial management are manifold and elements of his "views" and philosophy are more than appropriate even today.Taylor lived...
frederickmanagementprinciplesscientifictaylor弗雷德里克 FrederickW.Taylor:ThePrinciplesofScientificManagement,1911FrederickW.Taylorwasamechanicalengineerwhosewritingsonefficiencyandscientificmanagementwerewidelyread.Thefounderof"systemsengineering,"theselectionbelowisfromacollectionofhisessayspublishedin1911.Theessaysweretranslate...
Taylor's philosophy focused on the belief that making people work as hard as they could was not as efficient as optimizing the way the work was done. In 1909, Taylor published "The Principles of Scientific Management." [1] In this, he proposed that by optimizing and simplifying jobs, ...
我遇见了您的最幸运,它是最不幸的我不可能有您![translate] awatch out for 提防[translate] aFrederick Taylor is most associated with the principles of scientific management Frederick泰勒是最伴生的以科学管理的原则[translate]
弗雷德里克·温斯洛·泰罗(Frederick Winslow Taylor,1856—1915),美国著名管理学家、发明家、美国网球公开赛双打冠军,被后世称为“科学管理之父”。他因眼疾于哈佛大学法律系辍学,进入工厂做车间工人,逐步成为工程师、投资经理和管理咨询顾问。 泰罗是一位文艺复兴式的人物,不但可以做严肃的学术研究,还可以搞发明创造,...
Frederick Taylor is most associated with the principles of scientific management.A. 正
解析 答案:The main principles of scientific management include the scientific selection and training of workers, the scientific selection of tasks and tools, the scientific determination of work methods, and the scientific scheduling of work and rest periods....