This famous quote is from a speech given by one of America’s most influential abolitionist speakers, Frederick Douglass. Born into slavery, this great American leader led a life many of us would find impossible to bear. After gaining his freedom from slavery, Douglass shared his stories ...
In 1852, Frederick Douglass was asked to give a speech at an event honoring the signing of the declaration of independence. To their surprise, he used this platform to shed light to the millions of slaves who suffer and are beaten to death by the same people who scream for justice, ...
Douglass' last speech was to the National Council of Women in 1895; he died of a heart attack suffered the evening of the speech. Selected Frederick Douglass Quotations [Masthead of his newspaper,North Star, founded 1847] "Right is of no sex - Truth is of no color - God is the Father ...
In 1852 Frederick Douglass was invited by the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society to give a speech commemorating the Fourth of July. On July 5, the crowds filling Corinthian Hall, Rochester, New York, did not get what they expected.
The material he presented was so much a part of him that he never lost the spontaneity of extempore delivery.doi:10.1080/01463376309385306WhitfieldGeorgeTodays SpeechWhitfield, G. (1963). Frederick Douglass: Negro abolitionist. Today's Speech 11, 6-8....
Frederick Douglass' Most Famous Speech:Douglass was self-educated, and began to speak in front of church audiences after he became a preacher in 1839. He began in 1841 to speak on behalf of a number of anti-slavery societies. and participated in 1843 in a six-month speaking tour through...
Frederick Douglass Speech- What to the slave is the Fourth of July? Frederick Douglass was the most famous African-American leader of the 1800s. In 1852, the prominent citizens of Rochester, USA, asked him to speak at their Fourth of July festivities. Here’s what he said. ...
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell reflects on Vice President Harris’ concession speech in front of Howard University’s Frederick Douglass Memorial Hall and says, “Frederick Douglass knew that progress did not mean the end of struggle.”
(12) Frederick Douglass, speech at the I am one of those who believe that it is the mission of this war to free every slave in the United States. I am one of those who believe that we should consent to no peace which shall not be an Abolition peace. I am, moreover, one of thos...
Frederick Douglass joined the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. The members asked him to speak at one of their meetings. 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯加入了马萨诸塞州反奴隶制协会。成员们请他在他们的一次会议上发言。 Douglass gave a moving speech about the evils of slavery. The society hired him to trave...