Quarterly Journal of SpeechTerrill, Robert. "Irony, Silence, and Time: Frederick Douglass on the Fifth of July." Quarterly Journal of Speech 89.3 (2003): 216-34.Terrill, R.E. (2003). Irony, silence, and time: Frederick Douglass on the fifth of July. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 89(3...
In 1852 Frederick Douglass was invited by the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society to give a speech commemorating the Fourth of July. On July 5, the crowds filling Corinthian Hall, Rochester, New York, did not get what they expected.
In his speech "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?", which he gave before the Rochester (New York) Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society on July... Learn more about this topic: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass | Overview & Quotes ...
Douglass must be one of the most eloquent speakers ever on earth. 1. The distance between this platform and the slave plantation, from which I escaped, is considerable- and the difficulties to be overcome in getting from the latter to the former, are by no means slight. 2. The madness o...
Frederick Douglass Speech- What to the slave is the Fourth of July? Frederick Douglass was the most famous African-American leader of the 1800s. In 1852, the prominent citizens of Rochester, USA, asked him to speak at their Fourth of July festivities. Here’s what he said. ...
The "close reading" of the text considers Douglass' use of comparison via thesis and antithesis as the organizing principle of his speech and as the primary rhetorical strategy by which he adapted the epideictic occasion of the Fourth of July oration to the task of making "the past useful" ...
Answer to: In Frederick Douglass' speech, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July", why is Douglass not included in the "pale of this glorious...
From 12 to 1:30 p.m., Mayor Barbara Foushee will host Carrboro’s annual gathering of community members for the Community Reading of Frederick Douglass’ essay, “The Meaning of the Fourth of July for the Negro.” Double-Check Before You Head Out!
This article reviews the book "Frederick Douglass and the Fourth of July: Speaking Truth to America," by James A. Colaiaco.AugustynLibraryJr.LibraryFrederickLibraryJ.LibraryEBSCO_bspLibrary JournalColaiaco,James A.Frederick Douglass and the Fourth of July: Speaking Truth to America. . 2006...
Frederick Douglass and the Fourth of JulyOn July 5th, 1852, Frederick Douglass, one of the greatest orators of all time, delivered what was arguably the century's most powerful abolition spee...James A. Colaiaco