Frederick DouglasDouglass eloquent speech
FREDERICK DOUGLASS, speech on the occasion of the 24th Anniversary of Emancipation in Washington, D.C., "Southern Barbarism", April 16, 1888 I recognize the Republican Party as the sheet anchor of the colored man's political hopes and the ark of his safety. FREDERICK DOUGLASS, letter to men...
Frederick Douglass Speech- What to the slave is the Fourth of July? Frederick Douglass was the most famous African-American leader of the 1800s. In 1852, the prominent citizens of Rochester, USA, asked him to speak at their Fourth of July festivities. Here’s what he said. “Fellow citize...
speaking about his life as a slave at a Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society convention. William Lloyd Garrison follows his remarks with a speech of his own, encouraging Douglass. The Society is impressed and he is hired as a speaker. Douglass becomes closelyalliedwith Garrison and his abolitionist...
图书Frederick Douglass the Orator; Containing an Account of His Life His Eminent Public Services His Brilliant Career as Orator Selections from His Speech 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
“moral suasion” abolition, the belief thatslaverywas amoralwrong that should be resisted through nonviolent means. Douglass strongly promoted this philosophy during the early years of his abolitionist career. In his speech at the 1843 National Convention of Colored Citizens in Buffalo, New York, ...
Akilah Johnson
CUI B0海外英语旬刊
Stephens, G. (1997). Frederick Douglass' multiracial abolitionism: "Antagonistic cooperation" and "redeemable ideals" in the July 5 speech. Communication Studies, 48, 175-194.Stephens, G. (1997). Frederick Douglass' multiracial abolitionism: ``Antagonistic cooperation'' and ``redeemable ideals'' ...
Danny Schechter