Why are we, as a county, not learning from past elections? Why? Why? Why?!!! It’s time to lie down now. We’ll all have to hope for the best the next time around. We need to recharge and then to continue fighting the good fight for the sake of our county and our kids. Hop...
25, 1713, Berlin) was the elector of Brandenburg (as Frederick III), who became the first king in Prussia (1701–13), freed his domains from imperial suzerainty, and continued the policy of territorial aggrandizement begun by his father, Frederick William, the Great Elector. In 1688 ...
The merchant company’s residual powers were vested in the secretary of state for India, a minister of Great Britain’s cabinet, who would preside over the India Office in London and be assisted and advised, especially in financial matters, by a Council of India, which consisted initially of...