Our online services have emerged to discover our collections Editions de Parfums Frederic Malle in boutique.
Our online services have emerged to discover our collections Editions de Parfums Frederic Malle in boutique.
Discover the Home Products from Editions de Parfums Frederic Malle. Candles, Rubber Incence, Linen Spray, Perfume Guns...
Editions de Parfums Frederic Malle is the Avant-Garde of Perfume. Creations made by the greatest perfumers in the world in total freedom of composition
FREDERIC MALLE | HOPE | 2024 前调:杜松子 柏树中调:粉红胡椒基调:香根草 乳香 沉香 KILIAN | OLD FASHIONED | 2024 前调:大麦 印蒿中调:雪松 蜡菊基调:苏荷香脂 妥鲁香脂 MEMO PARIS | INDI...
Malle was sold a couple of years ago to Estee Lauder, and there have been reformulations to bring them into compliance with IFRA. I am not in a position to compare pre-reformulation with current. Are there differences? Of course. You can’t make the exact same perfume when you have to ...
他叫Frederic Malle 馥马尔香水出版社 1⃣️贵妇肖像(窈窕淑女)—东方花香“有距离感的贵妇,不强势却基调温柔”。用最好的料做最好的香,这款是真正的馥马尔品牌理念体现 - 2⃣️一轮玫瑰-极致花香“一轮之后再无玫...
作为一个网罗十二位世界顶级调香大师作品的沙龙香品牌,Frederic Malle旨在让大师们可以各抒己长、不计成本、不限主题,凭借着多年丰富经验与调香灵感,调制出一支支令人拍案叫绝的好香。每一支香不仅品质上乘、香味生动有灵气,而且可穿性很高,是兼具了艺术与消费者需求的很难得的沙龙香佳作。FM的香水市场认可率很高,不...
Niche perfume house established in Paris in 2000 by Frédéric Malle, the grandson of Serge Heftler-Louiche (childhood friend of Christian Dior who helped establish the Dior perfume brand) and nephew of the late Louis Malle. Malle "curates" the work of well-known perfumers: they are given ...
美国【香港直邮】 Frederic Malle馥马尔 口红玫瑰花香女士香水 100ml/3.4oz,品牌:Frederic Malle,香水-亚米。低价保证,100%正品保证,品牌官方授权,优质丰富精选的亚洲商品,无忧售后。