Freddy is an enemy in Gex. He is found in the Cemetery, in the levels Grave Danger and Disco Inferno. Freddy appears to be a mixture of Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street (claws and olive-green and red striped shirt) Jason Voorhees from Friday
Freddy in popular culture is often associated with the famous villain, Freddy Krueger, from the "A Nightmare on Elm Street" film series. In these movies, Freddy is a terrifying king of nightmares, wearing a red and green striped shirt and wielding a distinctive glove with sharp kn...
a white t-shirt withPennywise's evil grinprinted on it, and a black hoodie with Jason Vorrhees' famous hockey mask emblazoned on the front. Horror heads are
redefined Freddy Krueger as a malevolent entity much more frightening than the teeny-bopper slashing punster he'd become, the studio executives at New Line Cinema decided to resurrect their razor-gloved cash cow and pit him against another 1980s movie...
Well, I gotta go with Mr. Krueger on this one. He's more imaginative, he has more power at his disposal (Freddy can shapeshift and read weaknesses, apparently, etc.) Freddy can just change into Jason's mother and try to trick the poor hockeymasked dope. Although Jason's strong and ni...