THIS PAGE IS IN THE MIDDLE OF BEING REPAIRED. IT MAY ALSO GO THROUGH A MAJOR REARRANGING. This is about the Freddy Krueger of the A Nightmare on Elm Street film series, predominantly played by Robert Englund. If you are looking for one or more other vers
Freddy Krueger Vs Choi Bounge Sign in to edit Nightmare on Elm Street Vs King of Fighters! Who will win between the original and the ripoff homage?Contents1 Intro 2 FIGHT!!! 2.1 K.O!!! 3 FIGHT!!! 3.1 K.O!!! 4 Results Intro...
A Nightmare On Elm Street Horror Movie Tribute Site at Horror movie reviews and information on A Nightmare On Elm Street series from They just don't make horror movies like this anymore.
Freddy is an enemy in Gex. He is found in the Cemetery, in the levels Grave Danger and Disco Inferno. Freddy appears to be a mixture of Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street (claws and olive-green and red striped shirt) Jason Voorhees from Friday
Nightmare on Elm Street was also released for the NES by the pretty known developer Rare, but the game itself was quite a boring platformer. It was planned to play as Freddy Krueger himself there and hunt children but these plans were canceled due to the following controversy fo...
Freddy Krueger Uses His Victims' Traits in his Kills TheNightmare on Elm Streetfranchise sometimes suffers from limited characterization, with much of the cast feeling like they only have one or two defining traits and lack real depth. Particularly as the series progressed, the ensemble felt like...
《猛鬼街》Freddy Krueger雕像 简介 猛鬼街7 91分钟 - 恐怖 - 1984 导演:韦斯·克雷文 演员:希瑟·兰根坎普/罗伯特·英格兰德 剧情:本片是导演韦斯·克雷文的成名作,派生出多部续集。片中创造的梦中杀手“鬼王弗莱迪”,更成为史上最成功的恐怖形象之一。本片是导演韦斯·克雷文的成名作,派生出多部续集。片...
McNary, Dave
美國新線影夜在1984 年所發行的美國驚典恐怖片《半夜鬼上床》A Nightmare on Elm Street),成功地塑造了夢魘變態殺手“佛萊迪‧庫格”(Freddy Kruege)。無法抵抗入睡的無力感、夢境與現實交錯的迷茫、滑稽殘忍的恐怖死法,加上與主角群們鬥智角力的血腥遊戲,使得這位變態夢中殺手令成全球千上萬的觀眾夜不成眠,進而...
Movies A Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy Krueger Vinyl Figure is a must-have for any true fan of the movies. This toy is a small reminder of the frightening movie character who haunts dreams. The Funko figure stands 3-3/4" tall. He wears his familiar striped sweater and ...