一代摇滚巨星 Freddie Mercury(费迪・墨格利)的音乐成就足以名垂青史,但谁又想到,他爱猫成痴的程度竟也堪称传奇级别。从七十年代的 Stafford Terrace 到八十年代中期的 Garden Lodge,在费迪先生家里留下猫毛的四脚生物不下十只。现在让我们按照入主宅邸的先后顺序,认识这些曾与费迪朝夕相处的猫咪。
http://www.wsfm.com.au/entertainment/the-feed/18-pictures-of-freddie-mercury-with-love-of-his-life-mary https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/11/freddie-mercury-true-story-relationships-mary-austin-jim-hutton
“我知道Freddie在某些方面他的想法和他的真正自我并不是那么统一”,她在获得格莱美提名的Rudi Dolezal 2000 年制作的纪录片《Freddie Mercury: The Untold Story》中谈到,正如Gambaccin反思地那样:“我想Freddie和很多年轻人一样,在发现自己对于同性的渴望超越了异性的那一刻是十分震惊的。” 最终,Freddie向Mary坦白...
Jim Hutton Self (Freddie Mercury's Lover) Queen: Die Show(2006) Perviz Darukhanawalla Self - Freddie's Cousin Freddie Mercury, the Untold Story(2000) Gita R. Choksi Self - School Friend Freddie Mercury, the Untold Story(2000) Farhang Irani ...
Freddie Mercury, the Untold Story (2000) John Deacon Self (archive footage) Flash Gordon (1980) Peter Freestone Self (archive footage) Queen on Fire: Live at the Bowl (2004) Jerry Hibbert Self (archive footage) The Queen Phenomenon: In the Lap of the Gods (1995) Jim Hutton Se...
File:Freddy Mercury statue in Montreux.jpg 位於瑞士蒙特勒(Montreux)的佛莱迪·摩克瑞銅像 1980年左右,他開始出入同性戀浴場。1985年,他與一名男性髮型設計師Jim Hutton開始一段長期的關係。Hutton後來在1990年被檢測出愛滋病。Hutton在摩克瑞生命的最後六年一直陪著並照顧著患病的他,也是在他死前最後在他床邊的幾人...
Freddie Mercury, the Untold Story: Regia di Rudi Dolezal, Hannes Rossacher. Con Freddie Mercury, Jer Bulsara, Kashmira Cooke, Mary Austin. Biography of the lead singer of Queen.
Hutton, who was also diagnosed as HIV-positive in 1990, later published a 1994 memoir about their relationship entitledMercury and Me. Of their relationship, Hutton said, “Freddie was slight and not the sort of man I found attractive. When he got the urge for sex, there was no stopping ...
October 2002 Findadeath.com friend Angie sends us this:From Jim Hutton’s bookMercury and Me: “Peter started changing the bed (Freddie had messed himself) while I (Jim Hutton) took care of Freddie. As I was about to change Freddie into a clean T-Shirt and a pair of boxer shorts, ...
"I think changing his name was part of him assuming this different skin," May said in the 2000 documentary, Freddie Mercury: The Untold Story. "I think it helped him to be this person that he wanted to be. The Bulsara person was still there, but for the public...